A lot of singers sing pretty much the same. I think the reason is that there’s a kinda Celine Dion ideal that’s intoxicating the singing classes of the world. And the ones who don’t follow this ideal, such as our friend Bono who was featured on this blog yesterday for saying something I totally agree with, most of the times, it’s because they just never entered a singing class.
So when a singer shows up with an original voice that also sounds like a trained voice, he/she’s got lots of chances to make it to the top. Of course, the songwriting is equally important, but if you’re a pretty girl, it’s not very hard to find someone who’ll write good songs for you. And yeah, even if you’re not aware that in French, when you put a ‘la’ before, ‘redhead’ is ‘rousse’ - not ‘roux’ . Please write that down.
When their single Quicksand got released as the second track on Kitsune Maison 6 last november, things could only get started for La Roux. And they did : two weeks ago, their single ‘In It For The Kill’ got to #11 in the UK. I'm happy about that, cause these two songs are super good synth-pop songs. There’s a lot of bands who are pros at ripping off the 80s, but La Roux is in a class of its own, cause they actually sound like the 80s. She's playing tonight at Les Saints.
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