You all know that I love Sweden, and I love it even more when it comes to Montreal. It’s true that Peter Bjorn and John's last album is very unequal, but with the low points come some very high points, like Just The Past and I Want You! - that still have a Writer’s Block feeling to them -, and Nothing to Worry About and Lay It Down - that are dirtier, but still ultra-catchy pop. However, I would bet most of songs they're gonna play tonight will come from Writer's Block, so even those who are not fond of Living Thing will find something to enjoy. Don't shout it out loud though, cause they showed up not being as nice as we first thought.
With the cool Brooklyn band Charlift at Le National tonight, 8 PM, 23$ + fees, Buy your ticket on admission
Download Peter Bjorn and John - Just The Past Buy it on 
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